
Showing posts from August, 2021

my Origin Myth story

  Jameatrius perdue Mr.rease American lit 27 august 2021                                                      Origin Myth: Once there was a baby who was not wanted by his birth  parents. So they went to a volcano in the middle of bora bora and threw him in. As his parents thought that was the end of him. Tahini, the goddess of fire, found him and kept him alive with her astounding powers. The goddess of fire  named him Kawaii and raised him to be a furious warrior. On his 16th birthday she rewarded him with a magical trident. This trident allowed him to control elements of earth such as air, fire, and water. With his powers he provided the people with many living necessities. Kawaii seized magma from the volcano and catapulted it into the atmosphere creating the sun. Allowing the people to be able to grow crops and have fun in the sun. He also stole fire from lalotai or “the realm of monster” allowing the people of bora bora to stay warm during the violent winters. Lastly he lassoed th


 Hey,it’s Friday it’s Friday. It been a good week.Today’s we finish writing and typing our origin myth story. This was kinda a slow week.but I’m I made it to Friday.

Wednesday 8-25-21 reflection


8-24-21 Tuesday

Today we answered two questions about jealousy for our bell ringer.The we this story name the Jealous Father. It was a pretty good story. We read it because it comprehend with our myth lesson.we also did Q&A on the story when we got do reading it.And yeah that’s how my day went in American lit.


 Hey,today was smooth day.we took a test about the poem we read doing the week. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t hard. I think I did pretty good on it. 


 Hey today was good day. we did a good review on the poem on khoot that we previously read and I got to see we I remember about the poem and kinda got me prepared for the test tomorrow 

Tuesday 8-17-21

 Today I learn some meaning of want American mean to people.Had to find theme of a poem.

Lovely Monday 8-16-21

 Hey y’all, I’m back on this lovely Monday. Today was a good cool smooth day in American lit. Today we analyzed our new standard to make sure we understand it. After we read a peom by Langston Hughes.we read the poem with a purpose and how to read a poem correctly.

Reflection for 8-12-21 American lit class

 Today in American lit the power went out in school  but before it did, I got a good understanding about formal language and how reading something with a purpose and without a purpose can change the reading.

Reflection for 8-11-21 American lit class

 Today was a cool chilled day for me. I learn the components of a complex text.right along with that I learn some examples of a complex text.For the ones who want to know the examples of a complex text.Two example of a complex text is poetry and novels also I learn how to comprehend a complex text. The song we analyzed was pretty interesting and fun to do. The song we analyzed was resist temptation by Tupac. So yeah that’s how my day went in my American lit class 

American lit Vlog

 Hey,my name is Jameatrius Perdue. I’m in the 11th grade and from Atlanta. I just move back to Atlanta from live in Missouri for a year with my’s was a good experience but not my cup of tea. It feel good to be back in my home town where I’m familiar and can relate too. On my free time I like to do art and practice doing goal for this school year is to make  passing grade for all my classes and to put in as much work I have to to pass my classes.