my Origin Myth story

 Jameatrius perdue


American lit

27 august 2021


                                                  Origin Myth:

Once there was a baby who was not wanted by his birth  parents. So they went to a volcano in the middle of bora bora and threw him in. As his parents thought that was the end of him. Tahini, the goddess of fire, found him and kept him alive with her astounding powers. The goddess of fire  named him Kawaii and raised him to be a furious warrior. On his 16th birthday she rewarded him with a magical trident. This trident allowed him to control elements of earth such as air, fire, and water. With his powers he provided the people with many living necessities.

Kawaii seized magma from the volcano and catapulted it into the atmosphere creating the sun. Allowing the people to be able to grow crops and have fun in the sun. He also stole fire from lalotai or “the realm of monster” allowing the people of bora bora to stay warm during the violent winters. Lastly he lassoed the oceans tide. His action allowed bora bora to have better access to their main food source , fish. Due to his contribution the name Kawaii “god of fire” will always be remembered.



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