
Showing posts from September, 2021

Sep 30

Today me and my group read the poem we got assigned .we also discuss the assignment we got assigned too. Then other group did there’s. After that we did something fun related to the book.

Sep 29

 Today we let the first two groups discussed there group work. Read the poem they got assigned.

Sep 28

Today we worked in groups. There was four groups and three  people in each group. Each group got assigned letters from the book the color purple. Everybody in each group has different tasks to do. We work as a team and get a grade ass a team. We present the task we have tomorrow.

sep 22 reflection

 Today we did makeup for our messing reflection. After that we read this poem by....guess who? If you said emily dickinson you was correct. And yes once again but i'm fine with it because her poem be pretty good, just dark. so yeah, we read the poem. After that we analyze each stanza because that part of our stander. then we went back throw the poem to analyze and get some better understanding of some words in the poem. That pretty much it that happen in class today.

Write about something you can't deny.

 You can't deny that i'm not invisible. you can see my arm. you can see my legs. you see my hair. you can see my action. you can see some of facial features with the mask on.

Write about a question you wished you asked.

 Why not me?  However growing up when offered such opportunities I would shrink into the back of the room and try not to be noticed when such chances showed up . I recall in school when we were randomly selected into a group and everyone kind of seemed to expect me to come up with an idea or concept with what our group should do . I think I had one of the good grades in the class but I didn’t want that burden of responsibility or decision making.

Write about something you used to know how to do.

  I used to know how to make loom bracelets. Loom bracelets are bracelets made out of rubber bands and you can add gems and accessories. It was one of my favorite hobbies and I even began selling them at one point. Eventually I stopped making them and I forgot how to make them. They were easy to make so maybe I could learn again.

Write about when you knew you were in trouble.

When I was little me and my sister decided to have a yard sell with the stuff out the house. i'm living with my mother and she at work while this happening. so i came up with the idea and my sister tagged along so me can get some money so we can go to the store next door. The store right next to the house. But aways, so we going throw the house find something to take outside to put on side walk to sell. so we finally find these little speaker my mother don't really use no more. so we got them then went outside and was like two speaker for sell for 10 dollars. we standing out there for a good 20 min and finally got a person to buy them and that pulled up to buy them my mother pulled up to the house. she was like go in the house with that mama look on her face than i know i was in trouble.

Write about what you plan to do

  I plan on attending nail classes by the end of the year. so i can improve my nail work and started doing people nails. Another thing i planed on doing is buying some more art stuff so i can start back I can improve in it and try some idea I have in mind. i also plan on getting my ID and get a job so i can buy my own personal needed and wants.

Write about something that doesn't get better

 Something that doesn't get better is the ways somebody thing of you no matter how hard you improve yourself. everyone has there own opinion. you can't control someone else thought. every human mind word for themselves.

Sep 21 reflection

 Today we analyzed poem by each stanza. We also talk about mind+body+ Spirit Because it go with the poem we had to pick which one she was taking and for certain stanza. In case you worry about what poem it is.The poem is called ,well never I forgot the name of the poem.

Sep 20 reflection

 Hey y’all I’m back,how y’all been? Today we read two Insta resting poem by  Emily Dickinson. I feel like the poem we read today was very connected to readers type of poem. Also we analyzed the poem to get a better meaning of them and see if we connect to them which pretty cool. One the poem was  i'm nobody ,who are you? So who are you?